Church Library

Our church library is full of theological, informative, and educational resources for self-study and devotional purposes.

These resources are available for all members of Christ Lutheran to check out and read. 

The resources available within the library of Christ Lutheran include:

  • The Lutheran Study Bible
  • Luther's Small Catechism
  • The Book of Concord
  • Bible Studies
  • Devotional & Prayer Books
  • The Lutheran Service Book & Other Hymnals
  • Commentaries on the Bible
  • Theological Books
  • Books on Christian Apologetics
  • Arch Books
  • Children's Bibles & Catechisms
  • Historical Books
  • Reference Material For The Bible
  • Other Lutheran Books From Authors Across The LCMS

The Church Library is located in Room Number #115, at the end of the Sunday School hallway, on the north end of the building.

The Library is open to check out and return books whenever the church and/or the church office is open.

There is also a small display, located in the Christian Fellowship Area (near the entrance ramp to the Narthex), which holds a selection of books from the Church Library, available to check out.

How To Check Out Books From The Library At Christ Lutheran

1. Look for the card (contained within the back of the front cover) on the book (or books) that you want to check out. 

2. Write your Name and the Date that you checked out the book on the card of the book you are checking out.

3. Put the card in the metal container located near the entrance to the library.

Once you have written your name and the date of check out on the card and put it in the container, you can take the book and read it for as long as you need.

There is no set date or schedule that you need to return your book (or books) in. Just return your books whenever you can.

When returning your book, make sure to put the book's card (that you placed in the container) back in the book's front cover and put the book back where you found it in the library or on the small display of books.
